Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fairy House

Introducing...the fairy house that sits in my living room:

I find that the blue pictures (taken with the room lights off) are Avatar-esque...thoughts?
One of my favorite summer childhood activities was building fairy houses along side my sisters. Over the years we created hundreds, fully equipped with scallop shell roves, pine cone logs, and birch bark bathtubs. We built them hoping the fairies would come at night and leave glass beads on the moss in the morning. They always did.
My older sister, Paula, started the tradition of the indoor fairy house pictured above. Every year we get fresh moss and redecorate the house. All of the fairies, as well as all the other content is either handmade or found (except for the china gnomes, birds, etc.) The interior design credit this year goes mostly to my younger sister Sophia who braved the frosty air and frozen ground for the moss.

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